How to sign up Baidu account without a Chinese mobile number?

As I am investigating how to use Baidu Tongji, I was prompted to register a Baidu account. To my surprise, you must have a Chinese mobile number in order to register such account. (Baidu uses two steps account recognition.)

Then I found this page on Baidu which allow users outside China to register a Baidu account using their own countries' mobile. 

PS. please note that not all countries in the world are listed in this registration country list, ie. Sweden, where I live, is not listed here. 

Step 1: Visit this URL. Select your country and input your mobile number. 

Step 2: Enter your desired account name and password. 

Step 3: Click here to get the mobile code sent to you.
Step 4: Enter the code you received from Baidu here:

Step 5: Agree on the Terms & conditions and Privacy statement, then click Register. 

Now you should have a Baidu account. Hope this step-by-step guide helps. 
