2 steps to segment your Google Analytics data geographically

Working with Google Analytics daily, I got asked by my colleagues a lot about: How can I get only certain country report? The answer is 'segment' and the steps are easy. 
Here I will demonstrate Two Steps to Segment your Google Analtyics by country. 

Step 1- Create a new segment: Login to your Google Analytics account, go to 'Audience', then click 'Choose segment from list' --> + NEW SEGMENT

Step 2- Specify the country: Click Location > Country > contains. Type in 'CountryName', ie. Taiwan. In the box on top type in 'CountryName', ie. Taiwan. Click 'Save'

Now you learned how to segment your Google Analytics data geographically. When looking into Google Analytics report, you can always apply this segment (by clicking on top 'Choose segment from list'), and it will limit your data to the country you desire. 

Anything more you want to know about Google Analytics? leave a comment, and I will get back to you. 
